Sunday, February 04, 2007

New Pornographers @ Nathan Phillips Square

A pretty old picture but i didn't take any pictures at the show

Despite -25 degree weather (or so), the band still managed to play an incredible, electric performance and really connected with the audience. The set was on the short side, but understandably seeing as they were all freezing. A.C. Newman entertained the audience with delightful banter as the band had to retune their instruments after every song. For me, it was incredibly exciting to be seeing them as they were one of the first indie bands i started listening to it and still listen to today. They played majority of songs from Twin Cinema and a couple of Mass Romantic and Electric Version as well. Neko Case couldn't be there because she was on her solo tour but the woman who stepped in (i didn't catch her name) had a very similar voice and didn't take anything away from the performance. During the encore, the band was taking requests and I was screaming "From Blown Speakers!" at the top of my lungs. Luckily and to my delight, they played From Blown Speakers which completely made the show for me. Overall, completely don't regret freezing my digits off for that incredible performance!

- - -

Today and yesterday I've felt the most regret for choosing Ridley, because over the past 2 days not only i had tons of fun going to London parties or having fun with London people, but a) i realized how broke I am and how i wouldn't be if i was home and b) I'm missing Malajube and Apostle of Hustle when they come to London. I'm absolutley heartbroken! God if there wasn't enough regret in the past 1 1/2 terms, if i could just come home for the next semester I could see these INCREDIBLE shows and have the money to enjoy them. GOD why the year when both Apostle of Hustle AND Malajube are coming London. Why this fucking year!?

On a high note, I may be going to Bonnaroo. It's not in anyway final, but i was offered the chance so hopefully, HOPEFULLY it happens. That would make up for all the missed shows this year..


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Rachel
This is my first but surely not my last comment.
Here is some things I thought also about that wonderful show. The New Pornographers, for free, what could be better. Not even a dime to be in the presence of solo acts like A.C Newman, mind boggling. It was in Toronto at a festival, and though with wind chill it was -27 C it was well worth the frost bite and rough cough the next day. I felt so glad to be Canadian, a huge crowd of tuques and scarves. All joined together to enjoy quality homemade music, huddling together to stay warm and jumping in unison to encourage body heat as well as sheer enthusiams for the artists. The performers had bare freezing hands but played an amazing show anyways. They had heaters and their instruments kept going out of tune, yet this didn't leave any audience member impatient only full of anticipation of the next wonderful tune. Apparently as I've heard from rumour, due to the conditions A.C's guitar split completely in half during their sound check. Anyways, it was an awesome concert that was well worth the chills, the cold and vigorous rubbing of strangers. But just had to let everyone know about our canadian soul and love. Love you Rach. Can't wait for Of Montreal in Montreal. P.S I'm posting under my brother. Its me Arielle

8:47 PM  

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